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Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valley's weekly Friday Shabbat service using the Reform Mishkan T’filah prayer book provides our worshipers with an opportunity to set aside sacred time for engaging with God through prayer and reflection – spoken and sung –  and the reading of the Torah. Led by Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan and Cantor Baruch Koritan, our members are afforded the opportunity to participate in the service through reading prayers, blessing the lighting of the Shabbat candles, reciting the blessings before and after the reading of the Torah, or carrying the Torah during the Torah service. Services begin at 7 p.m. throughout the year.


One Saturday morning a month, a small group meets at a member’s home for an informal participatory Shabbat service lead by Rabbi Kaplan. A guitarist sometimes accompanies Rabbi Kaplan during services. The service includes an abbreviated Shabbat liturgy, readings, and singing, followed by a potluck brunch and socializing. 

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